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2018: The best year ever

Looking back, 2018 was the best year ever for The 9th Street Journal.

Oh yeah, we just started three months ago!

Still, we published a great assortment of stories and photos that explored life in Durham.

We profiled Durham’s new fire chief Robert Zoldos and showed how his work as mayor of a small town in Virginia provides clues to what he might be like in his new role. (He also looks great in traditional German attire for Oktoberfest.) We examined how a new iPhone app steers you away from crime but raises questions about how technology can magnify social divisions.

We introduced you to a teacher who won’t retire, a firefighter following in her father’s footstepsa custodian who can unite a school and a taxi driver who helps teens get to school on time.

We analyzed the outbox of Mayor Steve Schewel to uncover his nocturnal email habits and we explored the challenge for City Council members trying to work full-time on the city salary.

And that’s just a taste of what we did … in three months! Stay tuned for lots more in 2019!

— Bill Adair