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Off the leash: Miss Betty White on two wheels

Maybe you’ve seen David Cunningham and Miss Betty White cruising down Anderson Road or along Main Street. You won’t forget seeing them on Cunningham’s cherry red Vespa, with Miss Betty White wearing her colorful tulle collar and stylish goggles.

The pandemic brought them together. Cunningham temporarily lost his bartending job and was ready for a dog – and it turned out that Miss Betty loved to ride on his scooter. Today, Cunningham is back at work but still manages to take Miss Betty for joy rides and nice dinners around Durham.

Reporter Nicole Kagan and photographer Becca Schneid caught up with them last week and documented their special friendship in this story.

“She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body,” Cunningham says of Miss Betty White. Photo by Becca Schneid | The 9th Street Journal